The 18 Best Reloading – Powders & Primers reviews

Winchester® Primers Winchester primers have a new surface finish for improved sensitivity. Per 1,000. Remington® Primers Primer cup dimensions are controlled to four decimal places. The priming mix is specially formulated for consistent ignition with a wide variety of powder types, and tested for reliability over a temperature range of -20°F to +150°F. Individual primer […]

California Hunting Seasons 2021-2022

California Hunting Seasons 2021-2022, If you thought California was just beaches and sunny city strips, you’re in for a surprise. The Golden State offers a bounty of hunting, including deer, bear, elk, pronghorn antelope and bighorn sheep. If you’re looking for a hunting adventure with beautiful views, scenic California has woods to get “lost” in. […]

Hunting season calendar

Hunting season calendar There is an open hunting season at all times on public and private land from August 1st through March 31st every year. Hunters could be encountered in the woods on public lands during these months. Hunting season calendar Fur Harvester Information (includes Muskrat, Mink, Raccoon, Fox, Bobcat, Badger, Fisher/Marten, Beaver, Otter, and Coyote): See the Michigan […]


Smokeless powder is very popular nowadays and one of the most used by any shooter who is reloading ammunition and it is also one of the most complicated to use as well. With various attributes and a huge load of factors, gunpowder should be completely studied before you attempt to reload ammo. This guide will take […]


Ammunition requires reloading components such as bullets, brass cases, powder, and primers. They are manufactured by several firms and sold in different parts of the world. Several stores carry only the limited items and components in their huge stock, except for the primers. Primer production is in demand and relatively difficult, making it the bottleneck in […]

Hornady Ammo Revolution

Match Grade at Any Distance (Hornady Ammo Revolution) Using Doppler radar and state-of-the-art aeroballistics software, Hornady® engineers discovered that conventional polymer tips in high-ballistic-coefficient bullets melt in flight. Although not a significant issue affecting moderate-ballistic-coefficient conventional-tipped varmint and hunting bullets, aerodynamic heating causes ballistic-coefficient reduction and degradation of accuracy, particularly at ranges beyond 400 yds. […]

Step by Step Reloading Guide

These are the 10 Basic Steps for Reloading Handgun & Rifle Cartridges (step by step reloading guide) Step by step reloading guide Getting into reloading can feel overwhelming at first. Yet, a small commitment of time and research will have you quickly reaping the benefits of reloaded ammo. step by step reloading guide Tip: A reloading manual from the same […]